Diana Mayorga

IAP, Cl. Herbalist, Reiki Master

Intuitive Arts Practitioner, Clinical Herbalist, Reiki teacher and Master

My interests in spiritual development, along with natural healing, goes back to my early childhood. I found myself often being called to help injured animals at a young age, seeming to find an abundance of creatures in need all seasons of the year. This is when I recall starting to practice energy healing, and when I begun to understand the nature of more subtle energy bodies in all life. Starting to read Tarot in my teens, I was approached by Elders that were masters of divination, palmistry and tarot, asking me to study with them for many years to come. In 2004 I found myself at Calgary’s ‘Hogwarts’ aka Wild Rose College were I formally studied Herbology and many other Intuitive Arts.

I graduated as a Clinical Herbalist in 2008, and as a Master Flower Essence practitioner and Reiki Master in 2006. I also hold certificates in Iridology, Aromatherapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Ayurvedic Medicine.

Having been active in my clinical practice since 2005, I now share my knowledge as an educator for natural healing and holistic living practices.

I have been teaching Usui Reiki for over 14 years, and instructing Reiki at Mount Royal University since 2018.

I am regularly teaching Intuitive Development classes level 1 – Masters throughout the year in Calgary.

I am constantly adding Tarot classes, Flower Essence certificate workshops and Full Moon Ceremonies to my online teaching schedule.